Asbestos, cancer, radiation info, anak kudus menggelora


What is vermiculite insulation?

Is occurring naturally of number a to given name the Asbestos,
insulation thermal ace such properties useful their for mined minerals
silicate fibrous, stability thermal and chemical, strength tensile high
and. Is insulator acoustic an ace used commonly Asbestos, insulation
thermal in and, materials building other and proofing fire. Products
asbestos contain today use in Many
Is asbestos when airborne become may that fibers of bundles microscopic
of up made Asbestos- disturbed or damaged acre materials containing.
These the into get fibers When irrigate lungs the into inhaled be may
they, problems health significant cause can they where
Page asbestos about information to access provides This. This Web site
On, effects health its and asbestos about information general access may
you. May products in asbestos suspect you if do to what about read also
You, school your in or home your in ( espan~ol en- escuelas las en asbesto).
Vermiculite is a naturally occurring mineral that has
the unusual property of expanding into worm-like
accordion shaped pieces when heated. The
expanded vermiculite is a light-weight, fireresistant,
absorbent, and odorless material. These
properties allow vermiculite to be used to make
numerous products, including attic insulation.
Do I have vermiculite insulation?
Vermiculite can be purchased in various forms for
various uses. Sizes of vermiculite products range
from very fine particles to large (coarse) pieces
nearly an inch long. Vermiculite attic insulation is a
pebble-like, pour-in product and is usually lightbrown
or gold in color. The pictures in the center of
this pamphlet and on the cover show several
samples of vermiculite attic insulation.
Is vermiculite insulation a problem?
Prior to its close in 1990, much of the world's
supply of vermiculite came from a mine near Libby,
Montana. This mine had a natural deposit of
asbestos which resulted in the vermiculite being
contaminated with asbestos. Attic insulation
produced using vermiculite ore, particularly ore that
originated from the Libby mine, may contain
asbestos fibers. Today, vermiculite is mined at
three U.S. facilities and in other countries which
have low levels of contamination in the finished
How does asbestos cause health
Asbestos can cause health problems when inhaled
into the lungs. If products containing asbestos are
disturbed, thin, lightweight asbestos fibers are
released into the air. Persons breathing the air may
breathe in asbestos fibers. Continued exposure
increases the amount of fibers that remain in the
lung. Fibers embedded in lung tissue over time
may result in lung diseases such as asbestosis,
lung cancer, or mesothelioma. Smoking increases
your risk of developing illness from asbestos

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Vermiculite and Its Uses

Vermiculite is the mineralogical name given to hydrated laminar
magnesium-aluminum-iron silicate which resembles mica in appearance. All
vermiculite ores contain a range of other minerals that were formed
along with the vermiculite in the rock. Vermiculite ores from some
sources have been found to contain asbestos minerals but asbestos is not
intrinsic to vermiculite and only a few ore bodies have been found to
contain more than tiny trace amounts.

Vermiculite mines are surface operations where ore is separated from
other minerals, and then screened or classified into several basic
particle sizes. Vermiculite is found in various parts of the world.
Locations of the predominant commercial mines are in Australia, Brazil,
China, Kenya, South Africa, USA and Zimbabwe.

When subjected to heat, vermiculite has the unusual property of
exfoliating or expanding into worm-like pieces (the name vermiculite is
derived from the Latin 'vermiculare' - to breed worms). This
characteristic of exfoliation, the basis for commercial use of the
mineral, is the result of the mechanical separation of the layers by the
rapid conversion of contained water to steam. During this exfoliation
process, asbestos fibers can potentially be released. The increase in
bulk volume of commercial grades is 8 to 12 times, but individual flakes
may exfoliate as many as 30 times. There is a color change during
expansion that is dependent upon the composition of the vermiculite and
furnace temperature.

Vermiculite has been used in various industries for over 80 years. It is
used in the construction, agricultural, horticultural and industrial
markets. Examples of products that contain vermiculite include potting
soil mixes, loose fill insulation, and packing material.

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Asbestos environment

Asbestos is the name given to a number of naturally occurring, fibrous
silicate minerals mined for their useful properties such as thermal
insulation, chemical and thermal stability, and high tensile strength.
Asbestos is commonly used as an acoustic insulator, and in thermal
insulation, fire proofing and other building materials. Many products in
use today contain asbestos.

Asbestos is made up of microscopic bundles of fibers that may become
airborne when asbestos- containing materials are damaged or disturbed.
When these fibers get into the air they may be inhaled into the lungs,
where they can cause significant health problems.

This page provides access to information about asbestos. On this Web
site, you may access general information about asbestos and its health
effects. You may also read about what to do if you suspect asbestos in
products, in your home or in your school (en español- asbesto en las

If you wish to obtain more information on asbestos, EPA maintains a
listing of asbestos resources available to the public. If you would like
to locate an asbestos contact, EPA maintains a listing of federal and
state asbestos contacts.

The National Directory of AHERA Accredited Courses (NDAAC) contains
information about training providers and approved courses nationwide and
is meant to serve as a comprehensive reference and resource document. It
should be useful for those training providers who offer accredited
asbestos courses and to all consumers of these training services. It is
also intended for use by federal and state agencies involved in the
training and accreditation of asbestos control professionals under the
federal law, the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).

EPA maintains a listing of the laws and regulations applicable to
asbestos. A 1989 regulation to ban most asbestos-containing products was
later overturned in court.

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Title: The Myths and Facts of Mesothelioma

Author: admin

<p>Mesothelioma is a severe disease that is thinning out its roots everywhere in the world especially in United States of America. It is a lethal form of cancer that is dreaded across the globe. For though there is medication to handle the disease's symptoms, a cure to mesothelioma is still missing.</p><p>Excess confrontation of asbestos is posited as the primary cause of mesothelioma.</p><p>Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is used in insulation, clothing and fire-resistant materials. But its usage is often less significant than the disasters caused by it. For those who work with asbestos, breathe or inhale the infesting tiny asbestos particles that result in development of mesothelioma and other Asbestos Related Diseases (ARDs). Initially people were unaware of the damaging nature of these particles. It was discovered only lately through various tests such as X-Rays, MRI tests i.e. Magnetic Resonance Imagery and CAT scans or Computed Axial Tomography scans.</p><p>Mesothelioma's very cause has become its bone of contention. This is because numerous asbestos workers and consumers who have been inflicted by this deadly disease claim that they were not intentionally forewarned of the perils of this material. Consequently lawsuits were and are till date filed on these companies. However, it is a myth to think that these court cases have driven many asbestos-manufacturing companies to bankruptcy. The facts reveal that many such companies have survived under the protection of Chapter 11 and that they have in turn used their insolvency to pay off their former debts and have reorganized themselves by it. But this is not the only myth associated with mesothelioma, there are countless others.</p><p>1. One universally known myth is that nothing can be done after a person is in the grip of mesothelioma. Though there is no cure for this unsympathetic form of cancer, some medicines can help with lifestyle quality and symptoms.</p><p>2. People commonly believe that working in mines and playing in piles where you are surrounded by asbestos and staying close to a person suffering from mesothelioma are the only factors responsible for its outbreak. But in reality, mesothelioma and any other ARD is not a communicable one and individuals who have never taken up any such tasks are even inflicted with it.</p><p>3. The next important thing hovering on people's mind related to mesothelioma is smoking. Some believe that smoking invokes this disease. But the truth is that those who smoke and are exposed to asbestos perhaps involve the highest risk of being infected by mesothelioma. But there are innumerable patients of this ARD who have never smoked even a single cigarette throughout their lives.</p><p>4. Those who think that an exposure to asbestos will result in an instant exhibition of its symptoms are even wrong. According to medical science, the effects remain latent and unknown for 10-40 years.</p><p>5. Generally it is deemed that even a slight exposure to asbestos particles leads to mesothelioma. So if these fibres are detected in your house or office, they should be removed as soon as possible and all the materials that came in contact with it should be thoroughly cleansed. But this is not what is actually required. An improper hurried removal can be extremely hazardous since these particles easily get mixed in the surrounding air and cause damage. The best technique to ward off the threat of asbestos particles is to properly cover the affected area. Moreover, this task should not be taken up by any naïve individual. Only the skilled certified asbestos abatement professionals should be called to do this job.</p><p>6. A number of people are of the opinion that Chrysotile is a safe form of asbestos. But researches have shown that all forms of asbestos including the largely used Chrysotile are effective in causing Mesothelioma and other ARDs like lung cancer, asbestosis etc.</p><p>Robert Linebaugh writes about a variety of health topics, but focuses on mesothelioma. Learn more at <a target="_new" href=""></p><p>Article Source:

About the author:
Robert Linebaugh

Article URL : Myths and Facts of Mesothelioma

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Title: What Are Some Coping Strategies Found Useful by Mesothelioma Victims?

Author: admin

<p>Mesothelioma is such a disease that affects not only the
person diagnosed with the disease, but his or her loved
ones, too. The intention to write this article is to offer
some resource for patients and their families who are living
with this disease. Coping with mesothelioma, unlike other
types of cancer, can be significantly difficult. There are
few support groups specifically available for mesothelioma.
These are quite often informal groups of people who reside
in the same area or who occasionally meet each other in
doctors' chambers or hospital waiting rooms. There are
larger and more organized support groups for cancer
sufferers in general but not for mesothelioma sufferers in
specific.</p><p>Let's see how this support groups operates.</p><p>Support Groups</p><p>The main job of the support groups is to help people, deal
with the challenges that they are facing. It is known that
over 20% of Americans have participated in some type of
self-help group. There are mainly two types of support
groups that are available. They are online support groups
and community centred support groups. Nowadays in an era of
internet the number of online support groups is gradually
increasing. It is possible that a support group exists in
your community or on-line that can help to provide you the
required support.</p><p>Support groups may provide several benefits:</p><p>* A social platform for getting connected with others who
are facing similar situations.</p><p>* A platform to know how others have coped with challenges
similar to the ones you are facing presently.</p><p>* A safe, non-judgmental atmosphere where one can share
feelings.</p><p>* The reassurance that you are not alone, there are other's
too who have either suffered in the past or is undergoing
the same presently.</p><p>* A platform where you can reliably share information.</p><p>* A source of reliable Support from others who understand
from personal experience what you are going through</p><p>Incidentally there are different types of support groups
that are available. This includes groups with strong focus
on a particular disease such as mesothelioma, groups of
caregivers, and family-centered groups.</p><p>Some of the Characteristics of a successful group are as
follows:</p><p>* A mix of participants from various age groups.</p><p>* Honesty of purpose</p><p>* A caring atmosphere</p><p>* A sense of trust should prevail among members</p><p>* A good facilitator</p><p>* Members should abide by the group rules, including
confidentiality.</p><p>Apart from joining support groups, a patient should be
encouraged by his family members to remain relaxed and try
to focus on the bright side of the life. A patient should
not feel depressed and emotionally drained. The family
members or the caregivers should create a healing
environment and encourage the patient to think positive.
There are lots of inspirational books that tell how people
are fighting mesothelioma and other life-threatening
diseases. Meditation is another way to keep your mind
distracted from morbid thoughts and tension.</p><p>Did you know <a target="_new" href="">mesothelioma
clinical symptoms</a> are hard to detect? Find out why by visiting
<a target="_new" href=""></p><p>Article Source:

About the author:
Matt West

Article URL : Are Some Coping Strategies Found Useful by Mesothelioma Victims?

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Title: What Should You Do if Diagnosed with Asbestos-related Disease?

Author: admin

<p>Asbestos is a toxic chemical substance that has been used
directly or indirectly in hundreds of products across the
globe. It is incorrect and inappropriate for human beings to
have excessive exposure to asbestos. This might result in
malignant mesothelioma -- a rare cancer that affects the
lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart -- and other diseases.</p><p>It is amazing to find that, asbestos has still not been
entirely banned in the United States, and Americans continue
to risk exposure to this dangerous fiber.</p><p>If you feel that you have been exhibiting symptoms of
mesothelioma (like shortness of breath, pain in the chest or
back region, swelling in the abdomen, difficulty swallowing,
cough, fever, sweating, fatigue, and weight loss.), it is
important for you to consult your doctor immediately. There
are various methods that are available for treating the
victims of mesothelioma.</p><p>They are either direct methods or alternative methods. Some
of the direct methods are Surgery-both Aggressive and
Pallative, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy etc.
Immunoagumentive Therapy (IAT), Gene Therapy, Intraoperative
Photodynamic Therapy (IPT) etc. are some of the commonly
practiced alternative methods.</p><p>Also one can take the help of Support Groups, which are
available to help sufferers deal with the challenges that
they are facing. A recent publication says that over 20% of
Americans have participated in some type of self-help group.
There are mainly two types of support groups that are
available namely- online support groups and community
centred support groups.</p><p>If you have already been diagnosed with mesothelioma it is
important for you to have a positive frame of mind and keep
yourself well informed about the latest medical developments
that has taken place pertaining to this field. Also as a
victim of the Asbestos industry you can have certain legal
and social claims. The following propositions can be
considered if you are a victim of Mesothelioma caused due to
negligent asbestos exposure.</p><p>1. Legal Aid and Financial Compensation</p><p>People who contract the disease must be absolutely sure
that the cause for the same was asbestos exposure and then
take steps to get the right legal counsel. Once the legal
counsel has been retained the law will ensure that he or she
gets the compensation for employers negligence if any.</p><p>2. Claim from the Asbestos Industry</p><p>Mesothelioma victims have the option to claim large monetary
compensation from the asbestos industry. These claims can go
into the millions of dollars depending on the rights and
cause of the claims. A Law firm that specializes in
mesothelioma cases ensures that the families of victims gets
ample compensation.</p><p>3. Claim Social Security Disability</p><p>Victims can claim social security disability after getting
advice from an attorney that specializes in these cases.</p><p>4. Disability Insurance</p><p>You are legally entailed to claim disability insurance if
you have disability insurance either privately procured,
within your life insurance policy or through your employer.</p><p>5.Worker's Compensation</p><p>It is one of the core responsibilities of an employer to
take care of its employees. Thus, even while the victim
takes legal action against the asbestos industry he or she
can simultaneously claim workers compensation for being
'disabled' during work. A lawyer who has experience in the
asbestos industry should handle this sort of claim.</p><p>6. Health Insurance</p><p>A victim of mesothelioma can incur huge medical bills due to
the expensive nature of treatment that's required for the
treatment of this disease. If a victim is admitted to the
hospital he or she should talk to the Discharge Planner or
other personnel who can help with hospice and hospital
coverage. Laws cover medial treatments and action can be
taken health insurance company if they fail to provide
proper coverage. Again it is imperative to ensure that the
victim employs a proper legal representative.</p><p>Did you know <a target="_new" href="">mesothelioma
clinical symptoms</a> are hard to detect? Find out why by visiting
<a target="_new" href=""></p><p>Article Source:

About the author:
Matt West

Article URL : Should You Do if Diagnosed with Asbestos-related Disease?

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Title: What Treatments Are Available for Victims of Mesothelioma?

Author: admin

<p>Mesothelioma is touted as deadly because most of the cases
are diagnosed when in advanced stage and doctors have little
solace to offer by then. Still doctors try to do their best
to relieve the patients from severe pain of mesothelioma
using advanced treatments.</p><p>Surgery</p><p>Before considering surgery as one of the propositions for
the treatment of malignant cancer, the health of the patient
needs to be carefully evaluated. The tests are performed to
check whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the
body or not. Also evaluation of the patient's lung and heart
functions is done. In case of the former, a mesothelioma
surgery cannot be performed. Both the heart and lungs need
to be properly functioning state for surgery to take place.</p><p>Surgery is of two types: aggressive surgery (long-term
control) and palliative procedures (relief of symptoms).
Let's define each of them separately.</p><p>Aggressive surgery</p><p>Aggressive surgery involves removal of the lung, the pleura,
the diaphragm and the pericardium by a procedure, which is
known as extra pleural pneumonectomy. The intention to
follow this method is to physically remove as much of the
tumor as possible. It is in fact adopting a bold method to
do away with the disease-hence the name is "Aggressive
surgery".</p><p>This surgery is extremely complicated and involves high
risk. This is because of the fact that there are possible
chances of death due to the same within a month. Extra
pleural pneumonectomy is therefore normally performed on
younger patients who are in good health and are in a
position to tolerate the surgery.</p><p>Palliative Procedures</p><p>Palliative procedures are normally performed when the cancer
is in its advanced form. These procedures are performed to
control the symptoms of mesothelioma rather than cure them.
Pleurectomy (also decortications) is the process to
surgically remove the pleura. This method reduces the pain
caused by the cancerous mass and may also prevent the
recurrence of pleural effusion (fluid collection which
causes tremendous breathlessness). For patients suffering
from peritoneal mesothelioma, complete surgical removal of
the entire tumor is not entirely possible. In this case the
surgery aims to extenuate the symptoms, such as ascites,</p><p>Chemotherapy</p><p>Chemotherapy is the method in which drugs are used to treat
mesothelioma. It has been observed that this method is
partially succesfull. This is because the patient recovers
partially after using drugs or combination of drugs (In fact
the efficacy of this method increases, if combination of
drugs are used at the same time.) Some of these combinations
have proved successful and new drugs are being developed for
the treatment of this cancer.</p><p>Radiation Therapy</p><p>In this method the tumor is killed by using radiation doses.
However, with the help of this procedure, killing the tumor
cells is quite difficult. This is because of the fact that
it is difficult to specifically locate the malignant cells.
Also the heart, lungs and other organs may surround the
same, and they are at the risk of getting damaged by the
radiation dosage. However lower doses of radiation can be
used to reduce the disease to a certain extent.</p><p>Dual Therapy</p><p>Both chemotherapy and radiation are used in conjunction
after the performance of the surgery. They both help in
killing any remaining tumor cells that were not removed by
surgery and may also help in relieving symptoms of the
disease like chest pain.</p><p>The treatment methods, which are described above, are direct
ways of treating a person suffering from mesothelioma.
However doctors and researchers are always on the lookout
for new ways to treat mesothelioma. The necessity for the
evolution of alternative ways to treat patients suffering
from mesothelioma arises because of the complex nature of
different types of cancers, and because patients respond
differently to various types of medical care.
Some of them are as follows:</p><p>Immunoagumentive Therapy (IAT)</p><p>The goal of IAT is to strengthen the body's own immune
system. The same is done by balancing four different
proteins found in the blood.</p><p>Intraoperative Photodynamic Therapy (IPT)</p><p>This method of treatment is being used to cure early stages
of mesothelioma in the chest. IPT uses special drugs and
light to kill cancer cells during surgery. A drug that makes
tumor cells more sensitive to light is injected into a vein
several days before surgery. During surgery, a special light
is used to locate the cancer.</p><p>Gene Therapy</p><p>This is a unique method whereby the researchers either try
to improve the body's natural ability to fight against the
diseases or alternatively make the cancer cells more
sensitive to other kinds of therapy.</p><p>Did you know <a target="_new" href="">mesothelioma
clinical symptoms</a> are hard to detect? Find out why by visiting
<a target="_new" href=""></p><p>Article Source:

About the author:
Matt West

Article URL : Treatments Are Available for Victims of Mesothelioma?

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Title: Finding the Right Mesothelioma Attorney?

Author: admin

<p>In order to get compensation for mesothelioma, filing a
lawsuit is quite imperative. However the process is quite
long drawn and tedious. The most important step pertaining
to the same is selecting the correct mesothelioma attorney
or law firm.</p><p>It is important to find a good, decent and
experienced mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible after
one has been diagnosed with the disease. In most places
there is a set time limit within which one can file a
lawsuit, and it is very important that the victim party does
not miss that deadline. Otherwise it may land you up as an
ineligible claimant. So, the earlier you get to a
mesothelioma lawyer, the better are your chances of success.</p><p>Apart from that the firm should be trustworthy one and the
victim party should build up an excellent relationship cum
rapport with the same. If one is considering about filing a
mesothelioma lawsuit, then the victim party should meet up
with several law firms before making the final decision.
There are a large number of law firms who are specialized in
filing mesothelioma lawsuits.</p><p>In order to choose the correct law firm for filing your
lawsuit, the following steps can be followed:
o Start the Search: You can look for a qualified
mesothelioma attorney in various bar associations,
Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory that is found in most
public libraries, Yellow Pages, and of course the Internet.
Law firms normally have their own sites.</p><p>o Narrow down the Field: After compiling a list of some
mesothelioma law firms in your area, try to make establish
contact with them either by mail, email or telephone for
further information. It is important to provide the law
firms with details of your legal issue and find out if they
can handle your situation.</p><p>Also enquire about their fees for an initial consultation
and an estimate of the total costs involved in handling a
mesotheliomalawsuit. It is recommended that the victim party make
schedule appointments with two or three different law firms before
coming to the final decision.</p><p>o Meet the Prospective Attorneys: During the initial
consultation, it is important that you and your lawyer get
to know each other. There has to be a free flow of exchange
words between both of you. After carefully reviewing your
case, the lawyer must be in a position to inform you of your
rights and suggest alternative courses of action, if any.</p><p>Moreover, it is during this initial consultation period that
a mesothelioma attorney can explain what he or she can do
for you and how much will be the cost factor. Also it is
important for you to know about the attorney's experience in
handling previous mesothelioma lawsuits. If you are totally
satisfied with the details, you may request a written fee
agreement before proceeding and a list of references that
you may contact.</p><p>Making your Decision: After each initial consultation, it is
important to consider the following questions about the
mesothelioma attorney you just met:</p><p>o Did I got a firm understanding of my alternative courses
of action from the attorney?</p><p>o Was the attorney knowledgeable about asbestos law?</p><p>o Was I given enough time and did the person listened to me
o Did the attorney seem trustworthy?</p><p>o Am I understanding the range of possible results, which
might spill out during each course of action?</p><p>Fees: It is important to consider this aspect with due
diligence. To lower costs, you can ask your asbestos lawyer
to employ a junior lawyer to perform a certain part of the
entire process. You can also do some tasks by yourself to
save time and money (Provided your attorney allows you to do
the same). An asbestos lawyer may charge a flat fee for a
specific task or offer other methods of payment.</p><p>Also you can go for contingent fee arrangement process. A
contingent fee arrangement is that your lawyer gets a
percentage of the compensation money you receive as
resolution of your asbestos lawsuit. If you do not receive
compensation for the lawsuit then your lawyer collects no
fees. A contingency fee is a good option for those people
who cannot do away with hourly legal fees.</p><p>Also you may incur charges on other fronts like court fees,
copying, hiring expert witnesses etc.</p><p>Mesothelioma lawsuit records:
Keep copies of all the documents that you hand over to your
lawyer relating to your lawsuit.</p><p>Did you know <a target="_new" href="">mesothelioma
clinical symptoms</a> are hard to detect? Find out why by visiting
<a target="_new" href=""></p><p>Article Source:

About the author:
Matt West

Article URL : the Right Mesothelioma Attorney?

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Title: Can Washington Mesothelioma Attorneys Help My Case?

Author: admin

<p>Washington Mesothelioma Attorneys have a proven track record when it comes to securing compensation for those that have been wronged by asbestos manufacturers. In fact, most lawsuits filed by Mesothelioma attorneys settle quickly and result in a hefty cash award for the victim and their family.</p><p>Asbestos Mesothelioma lawsuit case studies have shown time and time again that asbestos manufacturers were aware that their products caused Mesothelioma cancer but covered it up in order to keep turning a profit. Today, approximately 3,000 new cases of Mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure are diagnosed. The law says asbestos manufacturers have to pay for this grievous mistake.</p><p>Where To Find A Mesothelioma Attorney In Washington</p><p>If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer due to asbestos exposure, the law limits the amount of time that you can file a lawsuit. That is why it is vital to seek a competent attorney as soon as a Mesothelioma diagnosis is made.</p><p>Often, the compensation earned from a Mesothelioma lawsuit is enough to cover the staggering medical costs associated with Mesothelioma treatment and to secure the financial future of the family.</p><p>To find an attorney with Mesothelioma experience in Washington, contact the following law associations. They can connect you with a skilled attorney in your area and provide you with valuable information to fight your lawsuit.</p><p>· Washington State Trial Lawyers Association, 1809 7th Ave. #1500, Seattle, WA 98101, (206)464-0703,

<p>· Washington State Bar Association, 2101 Fourth Ave., Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121, 1-800-945-9722,

<p>Remember, if you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer, you need to act quickly to file your lawsuit against asbestos manufacturers. Contact a Washington attorney today.</p><p>Jon Butt publishes <a target="_new" href=""> With the web being packed with mis-information <a target="_new" href=""> is a leading free resource of Mesothelioma support, advice and legal help along with alternative remedies, natural supplements and more. Helping both you and your loved ones.</p><p>Article Source:

About the author:
Jon Butt

Article URL : Washington Mesothelioma Attorneys Help My Case?

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Title: What are the Three Main Symptoms to Lung Cancer?

Author: admin

<p>The main three symptoms to lung cancer that should not be ignored are shortness of breath, pain when breathing or coughing, and existence of a persistent cough, especially if it is accompanied by expectoration of sputum streaked with blood. Additionally, loss of appetite, fatigue, unusual losses of weight are three symptoms, which are indicative of lung cancer.</p><p>Because of the non-specific nature of symptoms of Mesothelioma, Mesothelioma tests are imperative to rule out incidence of the disease when lung cancer symptoms show up. Early detection of Mesothelioma cancer substantiated by clear information of patient's exposure to asbestos can help define the course of treatment.</p><p>Early Detection Of Mesothelioma Cancer In Long Term Health Prognosis</p><p>The length of time between asbestos exposure and onset of lung cancer symptoms can be between 15-50 years. Therefore a complete medical history and information of possible asbestos exposure are critical in identifying patients who are prone for developing Mesothelioma lung cancer.</p><p>During physical tests for Mesothelioma lung cancer, the doctor may check breath sounds to see whether there is any indication of fluid in the chest cavity. A variety of diagnostic procedures also help to determine whether a patient has Mesothelioma lung cancer.</p><p>Results from imaging scans, tissue biopsies, pulmonary function tests, and other diagnostic techniques, combined with the findings from a careful medical history help to define the course of treatment in Mesothelioma lung cancer.</p><p>There are less common but more uncomfortable symptoms of lung cancer, which are usually associated with advanced stages of the disease. Such lung cancer or Mesothelioma patients may exhibit symptoms like a hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing, swelling of the face or in the neck, pain or discomfort under the ribs, and shortness of breath caused by fluid around the lungs.</p><p>If you suspect that you or any of your family members have lung cancer symptoms– DO NOT DELAY – consult your physician right away.</p><p>Jon Butt publishes <a target="_new" href=""> With the web being packed with mis-information <a target="_new" href=""> is a leading free resource of Mesothelioma support, advice and legal help along with alternative remedies, natural supplements and more. Helping both you and your loved ones.</p><p>Article Source:

About the author:
Jon Butt

Article URL : are the Three Main Symptoms to Lung Cancer?

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have to pay up to $100,000 fee if he would continue to use the
Kelly Felix owns CreditPro, Inc.(CPI) which adopted the Rich Jerk term
in June 2005. The term is used to sell the informational products,
which contain information on making money on the internet.
There are also two websites containing the Rich Jerk trademark. and
Since Kelly Felix has enough money to effort a good bunch of lawyers
the only easy way out of this was to transfer to another domain name.
So always watch out for trademark terms if you register a new domain name!
Article Source:

Read More.. -Trusted Web Hosting and Domain Registrar

"A domain name is a gateway to creativity on the Internet" Says, Mike
Freije. Whether promoting your own business, building your own unique
brand, creating a family scrapbook or announcing a new arrival. Mike
and his team at feel they have what it takes to meet
this diverse demand.
How a domain name is used, is entirely at the discretion of the
individual purchasing one. But in order to bring a business or
'personal space' to life in the vast environment of the Internet, it
is becoming of major importance to own one.
Besides this fact, it is interesting to note that owning a domain name
has been regarded by many authoritative voices, including major media
news sources, as owning 'Virtual real estate'. It is seemingly
becoming one of the new phenomena's since the dawn of the dot COM
For those who are looking for a cost effective way to begin a presence
for their new business venture or 'personal space' to share
information and even their products and services on the Internet,
choosing a domain name and hosting to suit their needs, as well as a
budget can prove to be a daunting task.
In addition to choosing hosting and a domain name, the task of
creating the website that will occupy the new virtual lot, can also
prove difficult for new comers to the Internet who have very little
knowledge of the language behind a web page - HTML
Of the many options that accompany owning a domain and hosting,
personalized email accounts are also important, especially if they are
being used by a small business. The use of Blogs are also an important
factor in a website's mechanism, and can be used in conjunction with
an existing website in several ways. Some of the most common and
effective uses are private or public journals that are used to keep
readers and even clients up-to-date and informed in a variety of ways.
They can also help generate traffic to a new website.
Mike Freije at understands the difficulty faced by
many new webmasters who are trying to start a website from scratch and
he and his team have developed a 'one-stop' location that is aimed at
equipping a new webmaster with everything needed to create dynamic
websites and Blogs all in on place.
For $8.95, the price of a domain name, those looking for a website and
hosting can choose a domain name of their choice from an unlimited
bank of available names, as well as receive free hosting of their
domain name, a website builder and Blog free of charge. Included in
the package with 99.9% uptime and backed up by 24/7 customer service
representatives to assist with any questions new or existing clients
may have.
In their package, webmasters are also given other extras; such as
personalized email accounts and domain name transfer services if
needed. There is also an automatic renewal protection for existing
domain names that can be set so that once a domain has been purchased
by a client, it can't be re-sold if the client by chance forgets to
renew their domain after the expiration date arrives. wants their customers to know that starting a new
website doesn't have to be a burden, or a 'daunting task'. But rather,
a simple and easy process and they aim to create just that for new
comers ready to take this step.
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The Japanese Art of Growing the Indoor Bonsai Tree

By: Robert Thomson
Growing the indoor Bonsai Tree is actually the Japanese art form of
cultivating miniature trees. These trees are very similar to their
larger counterparts with the exception that they are grown in pots and
the constant pruning does not allow them to reach full size, making it
an indoor Bonsai Tree.
The art of growing these trees is thought to have originated in
ancient China, where men who were healers would grow plants for
medicinal purposes. In early times the main purpose was to display
trunks in the shape of animals and mystic figures. Somewhere between
the 7th and 9th century, this art form was introduced to the Japanese
There are many types of Bonsai Trees, including formal and informal
upright, cascade, raft, literati, semi-cascade and forest. The indoor
Bonsai Tree is available at a range of nurseries in various stages of
growth, from seedlings to the fully mature indoor Bonsai Tree.
As an alternative, you can choose to grow your indoor Bonsai Tree from
seeds. Generally you can purchase kits to grow Bonsai Trees; these
kits usually include, a particular kind of seed, a small pot, a little
bag of fertilizer and soil, a drainage sheet as well as information to
help you get started. The different kits will provide you with
different instructions, depending on the type of indoor Bonsai Tree
you are trying to grow. It is important to follow these instructions
for the best possible growth.
Watering them correctly is essential to successfully growing the
indoor Bonsai Tree. Watch the moisture in the soil carefully to ensure
that it does not get too wet, or too dry. If you live in a warm
climate, it is even more important that you keep a close eye on the
soil's moisture. It is also vital to pay attention to the temperature
of the room and the correct amount of sunlight. You do not want your
indoor Bonsai Tree to be in a room that is too hot or cold. You also
want to ensure that it has plenty of sunlight.
Once your tree has sprouted, you can start shaping and dwarfing it
through an assortment of techniques. In addition to pruning, giving
your Bonsai Tree a lot of love will help you work wonders with growing
these beautiful trees.
Take some time to learn exactly how this is done and you will be
rewarded with a beautiful indoor Bonsai Tree. Creating your own
Japanese garden in your home is a great way to enhance the beauty of
your surroundings and bring nature into your life.
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Information About The Indoor Bonsai Plant

Do you have a green thumb, or just the desire to grow your own plants,
but find that you are restricted by lack of space? The Bonsai Plant
may be the answer to your dilemma. Cultivating the Bonsai Plant has
become very popular, partly for the fact that they don't take much
space, and they are a very decorative addition to the home.
There are several types of Bonsai Plants that can be grown indoors,
including the Chinese Bird Plumb, Fukien Tea Tree, Chinese Privet, Fig
Tree, Sacred Bamboo, Buddhist Pine, along with several others.
You can decide the size and shape of the Bonsai Plant by growing them
in little container. Doing this will manage the growth of roots. In
addition, you must trim them frequently; this will ensure that you
Bonsai Plants remain healthy and beautiful.
There is a specific method to pruning the Bonsai Plant. With Bonsai
Trees, there is a minor bud at the beginning of the leaf. The Bonsai
Plant must be trimmed in the direction in which the bud is facing, as
the new shoot will grow from there. With the small trees, to shape the
tree, you simply must trim it. With bigger trees, you will have to
bend the branches and trunk to give it a shape. The shaping and
structuring of Bonsai Plant is done during the growing season only.
The Bonsai Plant needs plenty of sunlight, but must be kept in
moderate temperatures that are not too cold, or too hot. If you cannot
keep them in a bright room with large windows, you may choose to keep
them outdoors in a semi shady location.
One of the major differences between growing the Bonsai Plant is that
unlike many other houseplants, or outside garden plants, fertilizer is
a necessity for these types of plants. You should only use a
fertilizer that is specifically formulated for the Bonsai Plant, and
use it weekly during the summer and monthly during he winter.
Proper watering is also extremely important. These plants should only
be watered when the soil begins to dry, then they may be saturated but
not watered again until the soil becomes semi dry.
Keep in mind that too much fertilizer or water will kill the roots of
your Bonsai Plant. These beautiful plants are somewhat delicate, but
once you learn how to care for them, they are a great hobby, and add a
fantastic touch to your home while bringing you closer to nature.
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Cara to Save Real Money When Running the Family Car

Autor: bhokin:: Views: 767:: Send to Your Friends::

Your car will serve you well, and cost effectively, if you take the
time to learn a few basic maintenance skills. Ready to start? Let's
There are many areas where you can save real money when running your
car. Some of these are:
- Actual running expenses
- Minimizing serving costs
- Reducing the slide in value as it gets older
Let's look at each of these areas in turn.
Actual Running Expenses - save on day-to-day running costs
a) Go easy on the throttle and the brake pedals. If you anticipate the
traffic and road conditions a little more, you can save fuel and brake
pad wear. Don't be in such a hurry, go easy on the car controls.
b) Keep the tires at the correct pressure. If they look to be wearing
unevenly, get them checked. Get a wheel alignment done at least once a
c) Shop around for the best fuel deal. Use coupons or dockets always.
d) When it's time for new tires, shop around. Don't be afraid to ask
"What is your best price?" Compare prices and brands. Get to know the
most suitable tire for your type of driving needs. Play off one
retailer against another. The same goes for brake pads. Don't just
accept any quote.
Minimizing Service Costs - keep these to a minimum
a) Learn to do your own oil change and greasing. This is not a very
arduous job. I actually enjoy the time under the car. Changing the
oil, oil filter and greasing only needs to take less than 1/2 an hour
altogether, but can save you a substantial amount of money. Just be
sure doing this does not void your warranty. You can also easily
change the air filter saving you even more money.
b) Get to know the normal noises your car makes. If at any time these
change, see if you can work where the noise is coming from. That way
when you go to your mechanic you won't have to say "Just fix it", you
will be able to offer some ideas as to the cause of the problem.
c) Keep an eye out for loss of any fluids. This is often a cause of
large maintenance costs. Check regularly to ensure the radiator water
level, engine oil level, brake fluid level, automatic gearbox oil
level, power steering oil and/or clutch fluid levels are all close to,
or at, the "full" mark.
d) Look at the garage floor. Has oil been dropped on it recently? Was
it from the back or the front of the car? Don't let oil leaks go
checked. Get them looked at right away.
e) If you choose to do your oil changes, shop around for the best
price on good oil and filters.
f) If your car requires some specialized servicing or repair, shop
around. Get competing quotes. Play off one repairer with another to
get the best price.
Minimizing the Value Slide - get the most for your car when you sell
a) Keep the car clean inside and out.
b) Keep the car polished at least once a year. Twice a year is better.
Use a good brand of polish
c) Use floor mats always. Keep them clean. Keep the carpets vacuumed regularly.
d) Keep a log book of all monies spent on the car and at what
mileage/kilometers they were done. Keep the receipts. This will help
you get the best price when you sell if prospective buyers can see you
looked after the car well.
e) Use a good quality vinyl or leather protector on your dash, seats
and door trims to save them from cracking and discoloration, as they
get older.
f) Look for rust spots. These can occur around the windscreen, under
the doors, in the door sills and other parts of the body. If you
notice any, treat them immediately with a good brand rust killer. If
you feel unqualified, get a specialist to fix it right away.
g) If you see stone chips, treat them right away. These can turn into
rust spots if not cared for. You could either use a auto paint spray
can of the same color or touch it up with a small paint brush and
touch up paint.
h) The value of your car will be enhanced at sale time if you keep it
as close to original condition as possible. Try to look after the car
and keep it looking like it would have been when it was new.
These are just some ways you can minimize your car ownership costs and
maximize the amount you receive when you go to sell the car.
Source: Free Articles
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About the Author

Bruce HokinI had it. But it does not exist. Most people that I just
described are thinking about their lack of results, lack of volume,
lack of income, and the growing lack of belief.
Sound familar?
This is typical of a lot of home business entrepreneurs today. They
are GREAT people, and want the best for their family and team- but it
aint' happening.
And they wonder- "What am I doing wrong? I am making the calls, doing
the appointments, and holding the conversations-but nothing seems to
be moving forward. I have made a great effort for Success."
True. But you have not made THE EFFORT in your business. And that One
Effort determines everything else that happens in your business.
It impacts your phone calls.
It impacts your emails.
It impacts your prospecting.
It impacts your retailing.
It impacts your presentations.
It impacts dramatically your energy.
As well as your paycheck.
Some people call it THE POWER of Success- and others call it "The
Decider" of Success. No matter the industry or venue.
It is called -- DECISION.
Most people NEVER Succeed in their home business because they have
never DECIDED to Succeed. And THAT is one of the most powerful factors
in everything you do.
And I am NOT talking about making a choice. We all choose things
daily. That comes from the mind and can be changed. What I am talking
about is the FORCE and Power of the HEART. ALL Decision is birthed
from the heart and is non-negotiable. It is undeniable. And it is like
a non-stop GPS System that is guiding you and empowering you to get to
the destination you have programmed it for:
When you DECIDE to Succeed, all aspects of your home business are
taken to a whole new level. And your strugle starts to dissipate
almost immediately.
Decision can be felt in everything you do including your words and
actions. When you decide to Succeed at something, people take you more
seriously. They respond to you more positive. They listen more
intently. They are drawn towards you versus repelled by you. They LIKE
what they are feeling and hearing from you. It is a Force that is felt
in the person's heart- as your heart is unleashing the Power of
And they want to be a part of something so powerful that it made you
to step up and Decide that this was going to take you to the top.
And they want to go with you.
If all of that happened - and your results radically changed-would
that increase your revenues?
That is the single greatest reason why you need to DECIDE from the
Heart that you will not be denied, and no matter what- you will
Succeed. That action alone puts you in the top 3% of people in this
industry, and
you will start seeing "3% Results."
Bottom Line: People respond to people that have decided to Succeed
much more positive than folks who have not. The Prospect is FEELING
from someone who has decided- a Conviction and Confidence that most
will never know. They refuse to step out and DECIDE there are no other
options and this is their ONLY option-Success.
If you did that and really decided that there was no other
alternative- would it change your mind set? Yes. Would it change the
tone in your voice? Yes. Would it change the way that you look at your
plan of action? Yes. Would it change how you approach this business?
Decide today. Put your heart out there and say, "Enough is Enough! I
am tired of listening to people that cannot get me where I want to go.
Today- I draw a line in the sand, and I Decide that Success is my only
option- and my only course of action. Period. No exceptions-no
excuses- only Success. It is done."
Try this little exercise. It can start to totally change the way you
look at this business- and YOU.
Would that be rocking for your Networking Home Business Success?
Oh yeah!

About the Author
Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the
world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent
the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success.
He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE
subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT-at:

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MLM Success Training- The Amazing Power Of Decision

Many go to seminars, listen to the audios, attend the webinars, are on
all the conference calls, read the books and do what they are taught
to do. It seems they are on a one way track to Success as hard as they
are working.
They make the phone calls. They do the appointments. They retail the
product. They do the three ways. They train their folks. And they even
do beyond what is required from them. They step up to the plate and
are there for when they are needed and truly are a team player. They
are well liked, and respected.
These great folks are the backbone of any organization. They are the
true "worker bees" and their goal is to make something happen that
will produce the results they are looking for. They consistently
create activity and they are not shy about telling you about their
Or lack of them.
If there was a tonic that could be given to these people- I wish that
I had it. But it does not exist. Most people that I just described are
thinking about their lack of results, lack of volume, lack of income,
and the growing lack of belief.
Sound familar?
This is typical of a lot of home business entrepreneurs today. They
are GREAT people, and want the best for their family and team- but it
aint' happening.
And they wonder- "What am I doing wrong? I am making the calls, doing
the appointments, and holding the conversations-but nothing seems to
be moving forward. I have made a great effort for Success."
True. But you have not made THE EFFORT in your business. And that One
Effort determines everything else that happens in your business.
It impacts your phone calls.
It impacts your emails.
It impacts your prospecting.
It impacts your retailing.
It impacts your presentations.
It impacts dramatically your energy.
As well as your paycheck.
Some people call it THE POWER of Success- and others call it "The
Decider" of Success. No matter the industry or venue.
It is called -- DECISION.
Most people NEVER Succeed in their home business because they have
never DECIDED to Succeed. And THAT is one of the most powerful factors
in everything you do.
And I am NOT talking about making a choice. We all choose things
daily. That comes from the mind and can be changed. What I am talking
about is the FORCE and Power of the HEART. ALL Decision is birthed
from the heart and is non-negotiable. It is undeniable. And it is like
a non-stop GPS System that is guiding you and empowering you to get to
the destination you have programmed it for:
When you DECIDE to Succeed, all aspects of your home business are
taken to a whole new level. And your strugle starts to dissipate
almost immediately.
Decision can be felt in everything you do including your words and
actions. When you decide to Succeed at something, people take you more
seriously. They respond to you more positive. They listen more
intently. They are drawn towards you versus repelled by you. They LIKE
what they are feeling and hearing from you. It is a Force that is felt
in the person's heart- as your heart is unleashing the Power of
And they want to be a part of something so powerful that it made you
to step up and Decide that this was going to take you to the top.
And they want to go with you.
If all of that happened - and your results radically changed-would
that increase your revenues?
That is the single greatest reason why you need to DECIDE from the
Heart that you will not be denied, and no matter what- you will
Succeed. That action alone puts you in the top 3% of people in this
industry, and
you will start seeing "3% Results."
Bottom Line: People respond to people that have decided to Succeed
much more positive than folks who have not. The Prospect is FEELING
from someone who has decided- a Conviction and Confidence that most
will never know. They refuse to step out and DECIDE there are no other
options and this is their ONLY option-Success.
If you did that and really decided that there was no other
alternative- would it change your mind set? Yes. Would it change the
tone in your voice? Yes. Would it change the way that you look at your
plan of action? Yes. Would it change how you approach this business?
Decide today. Put your heart out there and say, "Enough is Enough! I
am tired of listening to people that cannot get me where I want to go.
Today- I draw a line in the sand, and I Decide that Success is my only
option- and my only course of action. Period. No exceptions-no
excuses- only Success. It is done."
Try this little exercise. It can start to totally change the way you
look at this business- and YOU.
Would that be rocking for your Networking Home Business Success?
Oh yeah!

About the Author
Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the
world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent
the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success.
He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE
subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT-at:

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Serpentine Group

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia online


The serpentine group described a group of common rock-forming hydrous magnesium ironphyllosilicate ((Mg, Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4) minerals; they may contain minor amounts of other elements including chromium, manganese, cobalt and nickel. In mineralogy and gemology, serpentine may refer to any of 20 varieties belonging to the serpentine group. Owing to admixture, these varieties are not always easy to individualize, and distinctions are not usually made. There are three important mineral polymorphs of serpentine: antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite.

"Their color and mottled scaly appearance is the basis of the name from the Latin serpentinus, meaning serpent rock," according to Best (2003). They have their origins in metamorphic alterations of peridotite and pyroxene. Serpentines may also pseudomorphously replace other magnesium silicates. Alterations may be incomplete, causing physical properties of serpentines to vary widely. Where they form a significant part of the land surface, the soil is unusually high in clay.

Antigorite is the polymorph of serpentine that most commonly forms during metamorphism of wet ultramafic rocks and is stable at the highest temperatures -- to over 600°C at depths of 60 km or so. In contrast, lizardite and chrysotile typically form near the Earth's surface and break down at relatively low temperatures, probably well below 400°C. It has been suggested that chrysotile is never stable relative to either of the other two serpentine polymorphs.

Samples of the oceanic crust and uppermost mantle from ocean basins document that ultramafic rocks there commonly contain abundant serpentine. Antigorite contains water in its structure, about 13 percent by weight. Hence, antigorite may play an important role in the transport of water into the earth in subduction zones and in the subsequent release of water to create magmas in island arcs, and some of the water may be carried to yet greater depths.

Soils derived from serpentine are toxic to many plants, because of high levels of nickel, chromium, and cobalt; growth of many plants is also inhibited by low levels of potassium and phosphorus and low calcium/magnesium. The flora is generally very distinctive, with specialised, slow-growing species. Areas of serpentine-derived soil will show as strips of shrubland and open, scattered small trees (often conifers) within otherwise forested areas; these areas have been called "serpentine barrens".

Most serpentines are opaque to translucent, light (specific gravity between 2.2–2.9), soft (hardness 2.5–4), infusible and susceptible to acids. All are microcrystalline and massive in habit, never being found as single crystals. Luster may be vitreous, greasy or silky. Colours range from white to grey, yellow to green, and brown to black, and are often splotchy or veined. Many are intergrown with other minerals, such as calcite and dolomite. Occurrence is worldwide; New Caledonia, Canada (Quebec), USA (northern California), Afghanistan, Cornwall, China, Asia, France, Norway and Italy are notable localities.

Rock composed primarily of these minerals is called serpentinite. Serpentines find use in industry for a number of purposes, such as railway ballasts, building materials, and the asbestiform types find use as thermal and electrical insulation (chrysotile asbestos). The asbestos content can be released to the air when serpentine is excavated and if it is used as a road surface, forming a long term health hazard by breathing. Asbestos from serpentine can also appear at low levels in water supplies through normal weathering processes, but there is as yet no identified health hazard associated with use or ingestion. In its natural state, some forms of serpentine react with carbon dioxide and re-release oxygen into the atmosphere.

The more attractive and durable varieties (all of antigorite) are termed "noble" or "precious" serpentine and are used extensively as gems and in ornamental carvings. Often dyed, they may imitate jade. Misleading synonyms for this material include "Korean jade", "Suzhou jade", "Styrian jade", and "New jade". New Caledonian serpentine is particularly rich in nickel, and is the source of most of the world's nickel ore.

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danger2 from Asbestos

Asbestos or Asbes is name of an group of silicate minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers which can be separated into thin woven threads. During the 21th century asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring, textiles, insulation, and everyday items like ironing boards, dryers, and toasters for personal residences, office buildings, schools, and industrial sites. If tiny asbestos particles float in the air during the manufacturing process or during their destruction, these asbestos particles may be inhaled or swallowed and can cause serious health problems.
It can Causes of Malignant, Mesothelioma Cancer.
It dangers of working with asbestos include the major risk factor for malignant mesothelioma cancer. A historical of dangerous asbestos exposure (meledak) at work is reported in about 71- 82 percent of all cases.

Whatever and However, malignant mesothelioma has been reported on people without any known of asbestos exposure.
Mesothelioma lawyers pursue asbestos dangers lawsuits for increased risk of lung cancer, asbestosis dangers. Asbestosis is a dangerous, non-cancerous, chronic lung ailment.

The risk of asbestos-danger related disease increases with exposure to asbestos and longer exposure time. However, some individuals with only brief exposures have developed malignant mesothelioma. On the other hand, not all workers who are heavily exposed develop asbestos-danger related diseases. There is some evidence that family members and others living with asbestos workers have an increased risk of developing dangerous malignant mesothelioma, and perhaps other asbestos-related diseases like asbestosis.

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